The Top 20 Applicants who achieve high scores in the Scholarship-Based Entrance Exam for the 2023-2024 Academic Year will be awarded 100% scholarships covering their tuition fees for the entire four-year duration of their studies.
The Central Asian University is delighted to introduce a prestigious grant program for Industrial Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. This exclusive program offers a unique opportunity for the top 20 applicants who achieve high scores in the 2023-2024 Academic Year Scholarship-Based Entrance Exam.

Selected recipients of this grant will receive 100% scholarships that cover the entire four-year duration of their studies. This exceptional opportunity ensures financial support throughout their academic journey and opens doors for potential job placements upon graduation.

With the guidance of highly qualified international professors and experienced professionals from leading local companies, the Industrial Engineering program students will gain access to cutting-edge educational programs and innovative methodologies. They will be privileged to engage in coursework, lab work, practical sessions, and training alongside valuable internships at state-of-the-art industrial enterprises.

Likewise, students pursuing Biomedical Engineering will benefit from a comprehensive program that includes lectures, coursework, lab work, practical sessions, training, and internships at prestigious medical institutions. The curriculum is designed to equip students with expertise in biomedical equipment and materials, biomedical visualisation, and computations, empowering them to become proficient in various aspects of biomedical engineering.

The School of Engineering at Central Asian University takes immense pride in providing a supportive environment for talented students who aspire to excel in these fields. By offering the grant program, CAU aims to nurture and encourage promising individuals who can contribute significantly to Industrial and Biomedical Engineering advancements.

Prospective students applying for these exclusive grants can participate in the Scholarship-Based Entrance Exam for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. The exam evaluates academic excellence and knowledge in the respective fields, paving the way for deserving individuals to embark on a rewarding educational journey at CAU.

We invite aspiring engineers to seize this exceptional opportunity and shape their future with us at Central Asian University. For further information about the grant program, the admission process, and the application submission, interested candidates can visit our official university website or contact our representatives via the unified call centre at +998 (71) 200-05-22.

Alternatively, they can reach out through the Telegram bot @cau_admission. We look forward to welcoming the next generation of talented individuals into our academic community.
Language: in the first year of study, students can choose between Uzbek or Russian. From the second year onwards, English language is introduced as the medium of instruction.

Program duration: 8 semesters
Credits: 120 Credits / 240 ECTS
Tuition fee: 13,500,000 per semester
Language: in the first year of study, students can choose between Uzbek or Russian. From the second year onwards, English language is introduced as the medium of instruction.

Program duration: 8 semesters
Credits: 120 Credits / 240 ECTS
Tuition fee: 13,500,000 per semester