
New Engineering Programs and 100% Scholarships for Talented Youth

Central Asian University is proud to announce the expansion of its academic offerings with the introduction of two new engineering programs. Students now have the opportunity to pursue Industrial Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, two highly sought-after fields that offer vast prospects.

The Industrial Engineering program will provide students with comprehensive and innovative educational programs, guided by highly qualified international professors and experienced professionals from leading local companies. Students will engage in coursework, lab work, practical sessions, and training, along with internships at cutting-edge industrial enterprises.

The second program available for study at the School of Engineering is Biomedical Engineering. This program encompasses lectures, coursework, lab work, practical sessions, training, and internships at medical institutions. Students will delve into biomedical equipment and materials, biomedical visualization, and computations, enabling them to become specialists in biomedical equipment servicing, data analysis in the biomedical field, biotechnology, and research and development in biomedical engineering.

The School of Engineering offers students the opportunity to pursue these programs in their native language. In the first year of study, students can choose between Uzbek and Russian languages, and starting from the second year, English will be the primary language of instruction.
The School of Engineering has established a Scholarship program for students aspiring to study Industrial and Biomedical Engineering. This program will award the top 20 applicants with grants covering the entire four-year duration of their studies and potential job placements upon graduation.

"The introduction of these new academic programs in the School of Engineering reflects our ongoing commitment to providing students with a modern and high-quality education that aligns with the current demands of the job market," noted Uktam Ablakulov, the Dean of the School of Engineering.

CAU invites prospective students to join the School of Engineering and become part of the academic family, where future specialists will acquire cutting-edge knowledge and skills essential for successful careers in engineering.

For additional information about the new academic programs, the admission process, and the Scholarship program, prospective students can visit the official university website, contact university representatives via the unified call centre at +998 (71) 200-05-22, or reach out through the Telegram-bot @cau_admission.

Prospective students can submit their application documents for admission via the link provided.