Student Mobility

Incoming students:

- Eligibility for the Incoming Students on Academic Mobility

Eligible students to apply for an Erasmus+ mobility for studies at CAU should:

- Be registered as students of CAU partner universities located in the Partner Countries; before applying, please check if your institution is eligible to receive student mobility funding for the planned mobility period
- Have passed successfully at least two semesters of their undergraduate studies; at least one semester of their postgraduate studies
- Have very good academic credentials
- Have applied for and obtained approval for participation in an Erasmus+ mobility granted by the home institution
- Have English language proficiency corresponding to at least level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for Languages that allows them to study and communicate freely during their mobility at CAU
- Be highly motivated to participate
- Be familiar with the Erasmus+
- Have a good knowledge of CAU.

- Before the Mobility

CAU Erasmus+ Coordination Office assists prospective Erasmus+ students and their coordinators throughout the whole process of preparing for student mobility as well as during and after the mobility.

All the eligible candidates are encouraged to apply for student mobility at CAU via email by sending their application documents to withing the predefined deadlines.

If the candidate passes the application process successfully, s/he will be issued an official Letter of Acceptance and a Confirmation of Accommodation. These documents will be needed for regulation of his/her visa or residence permit (registration).

The student should bring the original copy of all the Application Documents once s/he is accepted.

- Academic Calendar

- Fall semester: September 9, 2024 – January 24, 2025
- Spring semester: January 27, 2024 – May 23, 2025
- Winter break: December 25, 2024 – January 8, 2025
- Summer vacation: May 31, 2025 – September 8, 2025

Deadline for Application:
- May 1, 2024 (for the Fall semester)
- November 1, 2024 (for the Spring semester)

- Application Documents

- Application Form
- Preliminary Learning Agreement for Studies or Learning Agreement for Traineeships.
- Personal (biometric) photo – 1 (JPEG, JPG)
- Copy of the international passport page with personal data (.pdf)
- Transcript of Records from your home university (.pdf)
- Certificate of the Erasmus+ student status (signed by your Erasmus coordinator and stamped by official institutional stamp) (.pdf)
- Motivational letter prepared by the student
- Proof of English language proficiency corresponding to at least B1 level

Completed application forms and accompanying documents are to be sent in scanned version in .pdf to the e-mail:

- Studying at CAU

CAU offers undergraduate and master programs in Business and Management, Business Administration, Hospitality Management, and Tourism to mobility students. All the courses are in English, and the lectures are delivered by distinguished professors from around the world.

- Visa and Entry Requirements

Central Asian University provides assistance with visa support and international student services through its International Relations and Erasmus+ Coordination offices. They can help with inquiries about programs, application requirements, study abroad opportunities, and more. Interested students can contact the Erasmus+ Coordination Office directly via email at or by phone at +998-71-200-05-22 for personalized guidance and support regarding visa processes and other related matters​.

Prior to arrival, it is recommended that students ensure they have obtained health insurance coverage.

Uzbekistan offers various entry requirements for citizens of European countries, depending on the country of citizenship. As of February 2019, Uzbekistan introduced a visa-free regime for citizens of all European Union countries (with the exception of France and Germany, which were included earlier), allowing them to enter Uzbekistan without a visa for up to 30 days​​. This move was part of a broader initiative to ease entry requirements and promote tourism and business exchanges between Uzbekistan and other countries.

Travelers are required to have a valid passport, and it's recommended that the passport be valid for a minimum of six months from the date of entry into Uzbekistan​.

In addition to visa and passport requirements, travelers should stay informed about local laws, customs, and any travel advisories.

For citizens of other European countries contemplating a visit to Uzbekistan, it's advisable to check the current entry requirements with the nearest Uzbekistan embassy or consulate as these policies can change.

For more information, visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan:

Moreover, all visitors should follow the guidance of national and local authorities during their stay in Uzbekistan and remain vigilant, especially when traveling to border areas or regions with heightened security concerns.

- Accommodation

CAU Dormitory

СAU offers accommodation services for both local and international students. The СAU dormitory is in the territory of the campus.

Students can reach any facility on campus within several minutes. Students can reserve a single room or a triple room. Each room includes a bed, refrigerator, separate bathroom and toilet, and Wi-Fi. On each dormitory floor, there is a kitchen where students can heat their food or have tea or coffee. There is a fee for the dormitory.

Dormitory Fee (for international students)
*Prices are subject to change. Before going, students should talk to the Erasmus+ Coordination Office to check the availability of the room.

Students can also use the service of free laundry (students only pay for detergent).
Cost of Living
Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, is not as expensive as some other European countries. Cost of living here is not that much high, and you will enjoy the natural foods there during your visit. Here is the link to know more about the cost of living in Tashkent.

CAU Sports Center

CAU Sports Center is a vital part of campus life, promoting physical fitness, sportsmanship, and community engagement while catering specifically to the needs of students, faculty, staff, and outside visitors. It serves as a hub for sports and fitness-related activities and plays a significant role in fostering a healthy and active university community. There is a fee for the dormitory.

There are outdoor sport courts and indoor sport halls on the university campus.

CAU Sports Center functions:

Sports Training and Competitions
Fitness and Wellness
Physical Education Classes
Student Engagement and Recreation
Varsity Athletics Support
Sports Clubs and Organizations
Community Outreach
Hosting Tournaments and Events
Recreational Facilities
Fitness Assessments
Social and Cultural Events

Opening Hours of Sports Facilities:

The Sports facilities open from Monday to Saturday except Statutory Holidays, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Fees for Use of Sports Facilities:

Membership is available to students, faculty, staff and to the outside visitors. Membership fee is a recurring fee that outside visitors must pay to become a member of the university sports center.

Membership for the Central Asian University’s students, faculty and staff is free.

- During the Mobility

One of the CAU Erasmus+ Coordination Office members meets the incoming students at the airport and transfers them to the CAU dormitory on the university campus. Once students arrive and accommodate to their rooms, they will be given a brief information about the territory and regulations. Then, next day, the faculty will have a welcome meeting with them and give information about the university, policies, regulations, etc. Then, the necessary documents are revised and signed. CAU arranges volunteer students for the incoming students so that they can easily adapt to the new environment and feel comfortable.

- Erasmus+ Student Support System

Erasmus+ Coordination Office
Office: #A340
Phone: +998 71 200 05 22

- Inclusion of Participants with fewer Opportunities

Most university facilities are equipped with elevators and ramps to facilitate access for students with physical disabilities. The Office for Students with Disabilities also extends various forms of assistance and support based on the specific needs of each individual student with a disability.

- Mentoring

Erasmus+ Coordination Office arranges mentoring classes for incoming students. Mentors can help new students feel welcome by providing introductions, campus tours, and information about key resources. Mentors can assist in understanding course registration, academic policies, and other procedural aspects. Mentors can facilitate social connections by introducing new students to peers and participating in social events or activities.
Outgoing students:

- Eligibility of Participants

Eligible applicants should:

- Be registered as CAU students
- Have passed successfully at least two semesters of their undergraduate studies (at least one semester for postgraduate students)
- Highly motivated to participate
- Have a good knowledge of the receiving institution
- Be familiar with Erasmus+ Charter
- Have a high GPA
- Have a language proficiency certificate

- Application, Selection Procedure and Results

All eligible candidates are encouraged to apply via email by sending a filled-out Application Form to within the predefined deadlines.

All applicants who have submitted their application forms will be invited for an interview within 2 weeks after the indicated application submission deadline.

After the deadline and according to the Regulations for Managing the Erasmus+ Programme at CAU and by order of CAU President, a Selection Committee is appointed which interviews all the applicants and performs subsequent selection and approval. The aim of the interview is to identify to what extent the applicant fulfills the selection criteria. When the interview process ends, the Selection Committee prepares a list with all the applicants selected to participate in mobility for study as well as a list with reserves.

For mobility for studies the following selection criteria are being implemented:

- Motivation for participation in the Erasmus+ programme, good knowledge of its rules, and demonstrated readiness to act in compliance with them
- Good command of the language of instruction at the receiving institution
- Knowledge of the host institution’s profile and the targeted study programme
- Active involvement in CAU social life and in the process of integration of incoming Erasmus+ students is considered an advantage.

All selection results are published on CAU website.

- Before the Mobility

All students approved for an Erasmus+ student mobility for studies are invited to get acquainted with the Erasmus+ Student Charter. Before the mobility, they sign the following documents:

Learning agreement for studies

All students participating in Erasmus+ mobility for studies sign a Learning Agreement for Studies before their departure. The Learning Agreement for Studies contains the list of courses to be taken and agreed upon by the student and the responsible academic body of the two institutions concerned. Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for Studies Another easy way to fill out the Learning Agreement for Studies can be found here. Changes in the Learning Agreement for Studies are possible within 5 weeks after the mobility start and these should be communicated to and agreed with both higher education institutions. Outgoing students are assisted in preparing the Learning Agreement for Studies by the institutional Erasmus+ coordinator who consults with the Programme Director of the respective programme and agrees on the final list of modules with the receiving institution.
- After the Mobility
After the mobility ends, the student is requested to submit to CAU Erasmus+ Coordination Office the following documents:

Accurately filled out and signed sections of Annex 1 of the Learning Agreement for Studies:
- Before, During, and After the Mobility parts
- An official document confirming the mobility duration duly signed and stamped by the receiving institution
- Copies of boarding passes, tickets, and other applicable documents proving the actual stay of the student (start and end date of the mobility).

In addition, the student might be requested to submit the online survey shortly after the end of the mobility. A link to the survey is sent to the student’s email address.

Upon the end of the mobility, the receiving institution issues the After the Mobility part of the Learning agreement for studies which identifies the ECTS obtained by the student during the mobility as well as the local grades awarded. After the Mobility part is considered a Transcript of Records and assists CAU in the process of ECTS recognition.

CAU applies flexibility in the ECTS recognition process of credits obtained by the students during Erasmus+ mobility. ECTS recognition is carried out in line with the Rules and Regulations for ECTS Implementation at CAU. Actual ECTS recognition is executed by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs who works closely with an appointed Committee. They examine After the Mobility part of the Learning Agreement for Studies and any other relevant documentation regarding the student’s performance. The decision of the Committee regarding ECTS recognition is included in a protocol and is later referred to in the student’s Diploma Supplement.