
About Erasmus+

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility at Central Asian University

Central Asian University is proud to announce its participation in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program, an initiative that embodies our commitment to fostering global academic collaboration and enriching the educational experience of our students and staff.

What is Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility?

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) is a prestigious program funded by the European Union. It promotes exchange and cooperation between higher education institutions across Europe and partner countries worldwide. Through this program, students, academic and administrative staff have the unique opportunity to gain new skills, experience different cultures, and enhance their employability by studying, teaching, or training abroad.

Opportunities for Students and Staff

For Students:
Central Asian University students can now spend a part of their academic journey in a partner institution within the European Union. This mobility period ranges from a short-term stay of a few days to a full academic year. Students will benefit not just academically but also gain invaluable international exposure, improve language skills, and develop a global network.

For Academic and Administrative Staff:
The program also supports the professional development of our staff. Academic staff can engage in teaching activities, while administrative staff can benefit from training and skill-building sessions in a partner institution. These opportunities foster the exchange of expertise, pedagogical methods, and best practices, contributing to the personal and professional growth of our staff and enhancing the quality of education at Central Asian University.

Benefits of Participating in Erasmus+ ICM

Academic Excellence:
Exposure to diverse teaching methods, curricula, and academic cultures enriches the educational experience and fosters academic excellence.

Cultural Exchange:
Participants immerse themselves in new cultures, languages, and lifestyles, promoting mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue.

Network Expansion:
Building connections with peers and professionals across Europe opens doors to collaborative research, projects, and future career opportunities.

Skill Enhancement:
The program encourages the development of soft skills such as adaptability, problem-solving, and communication, which are highly valued in the global job market.

How to Apply

Central Asian University is committed to guiding incoming and outgoing students and staff through the application process. All the detailed information is given on this webpage. If there are any questions and clarifications, the Erasmus+ Coordination Office is always ready to help.

Information Sessions:
We regularly hold sessions to provide detailed information about the program, partner institutions, application procedures, and deadlines.

Application Support:
Our dedicated Erasmus+ Coordination Office offers personalized assistance in preparing application documents, meeting eligibility criteria, and making the most of this opportunity.

We invite the Central Asian University community along with incoming students and staff to embrace this extraordinary opportunity. Participate in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program and embark on a journey that promises academic enrichment, personal growth, and a global perspective.

For more information and to start your application, visit our Erasmus+ ICM webpage or contact the Erasmus+Coordination Office at Central Asian University.
CAU Internationalization Strategy

Internationalization Strategy of Central Asian University (2022-2027)

Vision Statement

Central Asian University (CAU) aims to be a global hub of excellence in education, research, and innovation. Our internationalization strategy for 2022-2027 is designed to integrate global dimensions into our teaching, research, and community service, preparing our students to thrive in a rapidly changing world and contributing to the global knowledge economy.

Strategic Objectives

1. Enhancing Global Learning and Teaching:

Curriculum Internationalisation:
Embed global perspectives into the curriculum to prepare students with the competencies needed in a globalised world.
Faculty Development:
Encourage and support faculty members to integrate international content and pedagogies into their teaching.

2. Promoting International Research and Collaboration:

Strategic Partnerships:
Establish and deepen partnerships with leading institutions worldwide for collaborative research, faculty exchange, and joint publications.
Global Research Initiatives:
Encourage and support participation in international research projects, conferences, and consortia.

3. Expanding Mobility Opportunities:

Student and Staff Mobility:
Increase the number and diversity of mobility programs, including study abroad, internships, and faculty exchanges, through strategic partnerships and funding support.
Virtual Mobility:
Leverage technology to provide virtual international learning experiences, ensuring wider accessibility.

4. Fostering a Global Campus Environment:

International Student Recruitment: Develop targeted strategies to attract and support international students from diverse regions.
Intercultural Engagement: Promote intercultural dialogue and understanding through campus events, clubs, and cross-cultural initiatives.

5. Building International Alumni Networks:

Engagement Strategies:
Establish and maintain strong connections with international alumni to build a supportive global network.
Alumni Involvement:
Engage alumni in mentoring, professional development, and partnership-building initiatives.

6. Enhancing International Visibility and Reputation:

Branding and Marketing:
Develop a strong international brand and marketing strategies to enhance the university's global presence and attractiveness.
Rankings and Accreditations:
Pursue international accreditations and improve performance in global rankings by meeting and exceeding international standards.

Implementation Framework

Leadership and Governance:
Establish a dedicated international office and appoint leaders with a clear mandate to drive and oversee the internationalisation strategy.
Resource Allocation:
Ensure adequate funding, personnel, and infrastructure to support international activities and initiatives.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Regularly assess the progress of internationalisation efforts against benchmarks and adapt strategies as needed to meet evolving global trends and internal goals.