Staff Mobility

Incoming Staff

CAU warmly welcomes staff members from its European partner universities through the Erasmus+ program, offering them the chance to engage in staff mobility for teaching and/or training purposes. This incoming staff mobility plays a crucial role in CAU's Internationalization Strategy, contributing significantly to the concept of internationalization at home.

CAU is enthusiastic about witnessing a continuous rise in the count of incoming staff mobilities and actively encourages any initiative related to incoming staff mobility that aligns with its goals and agenda.

- Application procedure, Planning, and Organization of Staff Mobility

Staff members of CAU partner universities in the Program Countries are invited to submit their application form for staff mobility to CAU throughout the year. The Application Form shall be duly filled out by the staff member and emailed to Within two weeks after receiving the staff mobility application form, CAU Erasmus+ Coordination Office Team will contact the partner university and the applicant staff member to inform them of the available options for staff mobility at CAU. Once the staff mobility application has been approved by CAU, both sides could start preparing for the actual mobility.

- Staff Mobility for Teaching at CAU

CAU offers Undergraduate and Master programs in the fields of Business and Management and Hospitality and Tourism. All study programs are fully delivered in English. Staff members motivated to teach at CAU in the framework of an Erasmus+ staff mobility are expected to teach between 8 and 12 hours in a period of 2 to 5 days. During the teaching mobility, incoming staff members will be also offered the opportunity to meet CAU academic staff members teaching and researching in a similar field for the purposes of exchange of good practices and discussion of a possible joint research project and cooperation initiatives in the future. Incoming teachers and lecturers are kindly advised to consider the CAU academic calendar and make sure the teaching mobility suggested by them is aligned with it.

Academic Calendar for 2024/2025

- Fall semester: September 9, 2024 – January 24, 2025
- Spring semester: January 27, 2024 – May 23, 2025
- Winter break: December 25, 2024 – January 8, 2025
- Summer vacation: May 31, 2025 – September 8, 2025

Deadline for Application:
- May 1, 2024 (for the Fall semester)
- November 1, 2024 (for the Spring semester)

Incoming staff members interested in teaching at CAU within the Erasmus+ program are invited to fill out their Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching and to email it to at least 3 months before the planned start of the mobility. CAU Erasmus+ Coordination Office Team will provide feedback on the suggested Staff Mobility Agreement within 2 weeks after receiving the duly filled out Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching and will proceed to sign for the receiving institution. The document represents a trilateral agreement between the staff members, his/her sending institution, and CAU in its capacity of receiving institution.

- Staff Mobility for Training at CAU

CAU may provide opportunities for job shadowing and staff training to staff members of partner universities. Depending on the professional profile and expertise of the non-academic staff member, the staff mobility could be hosted by CAU International Cooperation Department, Marketing and Admissions Department, International Project Department, Accounting and Finance, and Academic Affairs Department. In the Application Form to be submitted to the prospective staff mobility participant is expected to clearly state and list his/her areas of interest as well as the main themes for discussion during the mobility. To receive a formal invitation for staff mobility to CAU, the staff member shall identify his/her expectations, intentions, and motivation for the mobility. The job shadowing and staff training activities organized and facilitated by CAU take 2 to 5 days. The incoming staff members are expected to email a duly filled-out draft of their Staff Mobility Agreement for Training no later than 3 months prior to the planned mobility start. CAU International Mobility Office Team will provide feedback on the suggested Staff Mobility Agreement for Training within 2 weeks after having received it and will proceed to sign on the part of the receiving institution. The document represents a trilateral agreement between the staff members, his/her sending institution, and CAU in its capacity of receiving institution.

Upon the incoming staff mobility completion, CAU International Mobility Office Team provides the staff member with the following documents:

Confirmation of Stay issued by CAU
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Certificate issued by CAU.

- Visa and Entry Requirements

Before the mobility, contact the CAU Erasmus+ Coordination Office regarding the visa and entry requirements.

- Accommodation

CAU Erasmus+ Coordination Office team will help the incoming participants to find and book a hotel in Uzbekistan.

o Outgoing staff

At CAU, outgoing staff mobility is actively encouraged, allowing staff members the opportunity to engage in professional experiences outside the university. This initiative is integral to CAU's commitment to fostering a dynamic and globally-oriented academic community.

- Application and selection procedure

CAU announces the opportunity for Erasmus+ staff exchange, providing detailed information on the program, eligibility criteria, and application deadlines.

The application and selection procedure for Erasmus+ staff exchange involves several key steps to ensure a streamlined and effective process.

Announcement and Information:
CAU announces the opportunity for Erasmus+ staff exchange, providing detailed information on the program, eligibility criteria, and application deadlines.

Application Submission:
Staff members interested in participating submit their applications, including relevant documentation such as a CV, motivation letter, and proposed activities during the exchange.

Review and Evaluation:
A selection committee reviews the applications, considering factors like the applicant's experience, motivation, and the potential impact of the exchange on both the individual and the institution.

Selection Criteria:
The committee may use predetermined selection criteria, such as the alignment of proposed activities with the goals of the exchange program, the applicant's ability to contribute to internationalization, and the overall benefit to the participating parties.

Notification to Selected Participants:
Successful applicants are notified, and they receive detailed information about the exchange program, including logistics, financial support, and any additional requirements.

Mobility Agreement:
Selected participants, in collaboration with their home and host institutions, finalize a mobility agreement outlining the objectives, activities, and duration of the staff exchange. This agreement is a crucial document for the Erasmus+ program.

Preparation and Support:
Before the exchange, participants receive support for logistical and administrative aspects, including travel arrangements, accommodation, and any required training or orientation.

Implementation of Exchange:
Participants engage in their planned activities at the host institution, contributing to the exchange of knowledge, skills, and best practices.

Monitoring and Evaluation:
Throughout the exchange, there may be ongoing monitoring to ensure the success of the program. After the exchange, both the sending and receiving institutions assess the outcomes and provide feedback.

Recognition and Reporting:
Upon completion, the exchange is officially recognized, and participants may be required to submit reports or testimonials about their experiences. This contributes to the overall evaluation and improvement of the Erasmus+ staff exchange program.

- Before the Mobility

All staff members selected for participation in an Erasmus+ mobility are invited to fill out and sign the following documents:

Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching and Staff Mobility Agreement for Training: this is a trilateral agreement signed between the beneficiary, the home, and the receiving institution
Grant Agreement signed between the beneficiary and CAU, which stipulates the Erasmus+ grant and the conditions for the provision of financial support within the Erasmus+ programme.
Eligible duration of the staff mobility: from 2 days to up to 2 months excluding travel time and depending on the funding provided to the institution. In case of staff mobilities to partner universities in eligible third countries not associated to the programme, the minimum staff mobility duration is 5 days. In all cases, a teaching activity shall comprise a minimum of 8 hours per week.

Erasmus+ grant for staff mobility
The total grant for staff mobility includes both travel costs support as well as individual financial support to cover costs of stay. The travel support is calculated based on the travel distances by using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission.

- After the Mobility

After the mobility ends and in line with the Grant Agreement, the staff members are requested to submit to CAU International Mobility Office the following documents:

Certificate of Attendance issued by the receiving institution
Copies of boarding passes, tickets, and other applicable documents proving the actual stay (start and end date of the mobility).
In addition, upon completion of the mobility, the staff member is requested to fill out and submit an online EU survey. A link to the survey is to be sent to the staff member’s personal email address.

The staff mobility recognition at CAU is processed as part of the staff member’s yearly work plan. The participation in staff mobility is also taken into account during the staff member’s annual performance assessment.