Official statement to students and parents of AKFA University
Dear students and parents,
To avoid various rumors and unreliable information, we, the administration of AKFA University, are addressing you with a message regarding the current state and plans of our university, informing you of important changes that are planned in our university. Information disseminated by some individuals about the dismissal of leading professors and teachers, as well as the fact that the diploma of AKFA University is not recognized in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is false and does not correspond to reality.
Due to changes in the leadership structure, we are paying special attention to the updated development strategy of the University for more effective management.
An independent competent council of the University is being created, and effective mechanisms of corporate governance are being implemented to ensure high quality of knowledge and further employment of students.
AKFA University already has a reputation as one of the most advanced higher education institutions in the country with licenses for all current areas of study. At present, a complex of works is being carried out to obtain licenses for new areas. We aim to strengthen our positions and improve the quality of education by attracting the best professors and employees.
An important task is not only to preserve, but also to improve the quality of education for our students. To achieve this goal, we are introducing new training programs and creating a career center within the structure of the University, which will focus on individual training and practical training of our students within the AKFA Group holding and leading medical clinics in Tashkent. We strive to improve international cooperation and work on strengthening the teaching staff.
At the initiative of the owner of AKFA University, Jahongir Obidovich Artikhodjaev, we are creating a fund that will be exclusively for projects of our university students. The goal of the fund is to create the necessary conditions for the development of business potential, startups in the fields of IT, medicine, and engineering, with the subsequent introduction of the most promising projects to the Uzbekistan market.
We plan to create conditions for students to spend their free time with interest and benefit. We have started the construction of a large auditorium to attract speakers with international qualifications, cultural and art figures, writers, business owners, and others.
The founders of the university are investing in improving the university's resource base by purchasing 7,000 modern books, technological simulation equipment for practice in the fields of medicine, dentistry, and engineering.
The future of our students and the university is in reliable hands. We guarantee you the success of both short-term and long-term plans, using our own experience and leveraging the resources of AKFA Group holding. We want your children to become professionals who will be proud of their education at our university and become specialists of the new generation for our homeland.
All information regarding the activities of AKFA University can be obtained from official sources that are regularly updated.